The most common type of diabetes is called type 1 diabetes, which usually affects children. This condition is typically diagnosed when the child is between the ages of five and seventeen.
There are several possible symptoms of this condition, but one of the most obvious ones is the appearance of the skin on the hands and feet turning gray and then black. In some children, the appearance of the skin can also result in jaundice, which is yellowing of the skin due to lack of vitamin B.
You may also notice that your child’s blood sugar level is fluctuating at different times during the day. Your child may also experience a loss of weight and become tired easily. These signs may indicate that your child has Type 1 diabetes.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor so that he or she can test your child’s blood. This is one of the few tests that can be done on an uninfected patient, which means that your child will not be infected with the disease.
You can also try taking your child to the doctor and asking if there has been a large quantity of new blood found. This test has helped doctors find patients who have undiagnosed diabetes.
Insulin is secreted by the pancreas when the body requires energy for proper functioning. It is sent to the cells in the body to allow for the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream.
Lack of the hormone insulin is often associated with the development of diabetes. Too much insulin can also be a sign of diabetes, although not all people with diabetes need to be on medications.
People who have had their pancreas removed have difficulty producing enough insulin, so they usually require insulin shots or other types of medication to help control their blood sugar levels. People who have their pancreas removed and who do not develop diabetes may just require insulin shots occasionally to help control their blood sugar levels.
Diabetes can also be triggered by a lot of foods that trigger insulin production. One of the most common causes of diabetes is being overweight, so having a healthy diet and exercise is usually a good way to avoid diabetes.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is another type of diabetes that develops when your body doesn’t have the ability to produce insulin properly. People who suffer from this condition may need to use insulin shots.
If the disease progresses past its early stages, however, a severe type of diabetes called neuropathy results in loss of feeling in the feet and hands, inability to feel warmth, swelling, numbness, or tingling in the extremities. A diabetic may be even more susceptible to neuropathy if the nerves supplying the extremities are damaged.